

  • Travel documents  (Passport)
A passport is the most important travel document for all cross-border travellers. This is the preferred travel document for all students travelling to Ghana for their studies. At Durra Institute we strongly recommend that all our prospective students embark on their journey to Ghana with a valid passport. This makes immigration formalities quite easy for the students. ECOWAS ID Card (National ID Card) ECOWAS member states have recently begun issuing new ID Cards to their nationals, which they call the ECOWAS Card. This is supposed to serve as a travel document for travelling to any country within ECOWAS. However, most ECOWAS countries have not as yet implemented the use of this card for travelling. We, therefore, strongly advise our prospective students not to rely on this document for travelling to Ghana. Laissez-passer You may also use a valid laissez-passer to travel to Ghana, but this should be only in extreme cases where a valid passport is not immediately available. Remember that a laissez-passer is only for a single entry and for a short stay. You may not use a laissez-passer more than once. We strongly advise that our students do not use laissez-passer so that they avoid getting into problems at the borders.
  • Student visa
ECOWAS Citizens Citizens of ECOWAS member states are exempted from visa to enter Ghana. They only need to hold a valid passport which will be presented at the entry point (airport or border) for a stamp. The following are ECOWAS member states: BENIN, BURKINA FASO, GUINEA, MALI, NIGER, TOGO, COTE D’IVOIRE, NIGERIA, LIBERIA, SIERRA LEONE, SENEGAL, GAMBIA, CAPE VERDE, GUINEA BISSAU and GHANA non-ECOWAS Citizens Nationals of countries outside ECOWAS must apply for and obtain an entry visa to Ghana before they embark on their journey. When in doubt, please contact Durra Institute (durra@durragh.com / +233020 001 4000) for assistance.
  • Vaccination
You are required to be in possession of a valid international vaccination card (yellow card), with the relevant vaccinations, issued in your home country before travelling to Ghana.

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